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汽车自动贩卖机 投币取车成现实

   2023-07-17 网络整理佚名1990

to used-car , it is now to buy your own set of at the of a , from the ’s and only coin- car in , . It’s , it’s easy, and it’s err… not , but than a car the old way.


The has been on the for the past two – car was in in 2013. But they’ve time on the , in to take user to the next . “Our new is a -of-the-art, - that our ’ cars by a coin,” said CEO .


汽车自动贩卖机 投币取车成现实

The of a five- that can hold up to 20 cars at a time. the are a ‘ ’, an , and bays. The as a for used cars that the , and .


can a long list of , , , and lots of the cars they’re in on the . They even get that out nick and on the body of the car. once the car is and paid for, the the car to the for a -day . This that the are into the of the .


汽车自动贩卖机 投币取车成现实

But with the , are able to go pick up cars away. It’s a win-win that to cut down on and , and save $2,000 as well. to the , it also for a – an coin in a slot and car roll down .


“’s is to a way to buy a car, and this new will be a one-of-a-kind that just how and easy we’ve made it to buy a car ,” said. He that the to more car in the .


Oh and in case you’re , no, you can’t it to get a car for free.


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